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Make payment to any of the company's account number provided below:
FIDELITY BANK A/C NO: 5620129431
STERLING BANK A/C NO: 0077245066
After payment, please send your proof of payment and make a request for Wallet or PIN to this email: [email protected]

The company has been into production since 1993, but turned into network marketing in February 2020, barley a year into networking industry. It started business of MLM fully in November 2020.

The company is being represented here in Nigeria by a group of the management team of 7 persons.
1. Mr. Madu Goodness – ICT/Chief Coordinator
2. Mr. Stephen Ehimigbai – Strategic Development and Investment
3. Mr. Brains Nneji- Logistics
4. Mr. Stanhope John - Administration and Inventory
5. Mrs. Tonia Afolabi - Auditor
6. Mr. Justice Uzodimma – Procurement/Finance

The company did not follow this pattern or style of business. So, what we have is a group of Representatives. It may also interest you to know that this Group of Reps making up of 7 people are not allowed to participate in looking for personal downlines. None of these 7 is holding absolute power.

EMD is under the leadership of Gurdev Singh, with the divine blessing of Dharvantari.

Unfortunately, due to his religious stand and work ethics, Gurdev Singh's pictures are not made public.

EMD is a product company from India. All the products are made in India. This company started its manufacturing of ayurvedic health and beauty products in 1993.

In effect, EMD has brought India to our door step, providing sound health with some spark of financial freedom.

This is possible if you are involved in the marketing network of the business. Networkers (marketers)of Everhealthy products get paid every single minute that purchases and new registration activities are done within their network of people. This payment comes as an electronic payment which they can withdraw every week into their local bank accounts.

Everhealthy partners earn commissions when customers they introduce buy products from Everhealthy. They also get paid for purchases made for their own personal use.

Yes, all our products are with no side effect and they are all ISO 9001:2015 and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified. Our products meets or exceeds regulatory standard requirements in every country where these products are sold.

We have about 80 different high quality products in Ayurvedic formulation categories such as health care, skin care, and personal care products for you and your family. We provide superior quality healthcare services that: PATIENTS recommend to family and friends, PHYSICIANS prefer for their patients, PURCHASERS select for their clients, EMPLOYEES are proud of, and INVESTORS seek for long-term returns.